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bitcoin tech strategies and ventures

1 btc = 1 btc
lynbitcoin emphasizes life long-term wealth preservation with bitcoin

the name lynbitcoin is inspired by the danish word for “lightning” (lyn), reflecting the speed, efficiency, and disruptive power of the bitcoin lightning network and our work
commited to the punk rock af austrian sound money principles of bitcoin
lynbitcoin is focused exclusively on bitcoin, leveraging the disruptive, open, decentralized, and censorship resistant properties of the bitcoin network and layer two applications
no diversifications into other assets or securities
financial sovereignty ensured through secure, offline, multi-continental cold storage
safeguarded by sha-256 encryption
btc returns for hodl periods respectively as of march 2024
  • 1y_ 147%
  • 3y_ 19%
  • 5y_ 1,598%
  • 7y_ 7,654%
  • 10y_ 18,719%